Friday, May 22, 2009

Registration Team- Procedures

Registration Process
Diablo Region Wash and Shine

7:30 AM Registration team arrives.
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM Registration is open
9:30 AM – 11:30 Tabulate judging scores
1:00 PM Assist with Awards Ceremony

Tables 1 & 2 Entrant’s Registration
- Provides completed registration form or fills one out at the table
- Pays $20 in cash or check.

Registration- (at least two – three staff)
- Verifies entrant form is completed. Puts completed form in a box. After registration closes, entry forms are sorted by class, and then an entry number is written in the upper right side.
- Gives windshield form and judging form to entrant. They are to be placed under the left windshield wiper.
- Mark the Entry Form “Paid”.

Table 3 Goody Bag Person- (one person)
- Give one goody bag to each entrant.

Raffle Person- (one person)
Sell raffle tickets, $1 each or $5 for six
- Displays: Vendor Donations for the Raffles
- Displays: Advertisers appreciation display

Table 4 Wheelchair Foundation table
- Display and brochures

Table 5 Membership Display table
- New membership display and brochures
- Picture display of past Diablo Region events

Table 6 Trophies Display Table

9:30 – 11:30 Judging
- If necessary, Judges maybe given list of entrant’s cars by class
- Registration team receives judging sheets from timer / runner persons
- Sort judging sheets by classes and at end of judging period, then tabulate totals by class on the Judges Tally Sheet, and determine podium finishers

Agenda - Wash and Shine

Diablo Region Wash and Shine

6:00 AM Cordon off Event Parking Sections

7:00 AM Setup Team Arrives with Tables, Chairs, etc.
Setup Team sets up four tables, chairs and pop-up tents.

Parking Team arrives. Sets up triangle parking signs, model type parking flags, and reviews procedures.

7:30 AM Registration team arrives. Setup raffle and new member displays. Review procedures for registering entrants, providing goodie bags, and raffle ticket procedures. Review procedures to tabulate judging results.

8:00 – 9:30 Placement of all cars by model type.

9:00 Judge’s meeting
9:30 Raffle of first item
9:35 Judging of cars begins

9:00–11:30 Rock Hendricks, jazz saxophonist, starts his playlist
1st Break- Raffle off several smaller items
2nd Break- Raffle off more items.

11:30 Judging ends
11:30 DJ starts his playlist
11:30 Lunch Break and score tabulation

12:00 PM Raffle Off Remaining Items

1:00 Awards Ceremony2:00 Show Concludes

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wash and Shine Latest News

What's the latest buzz about our 25th Annual Wash and Shine?

Hey folks, this coming Sunday morning (the 24th) we're back at one of NorCal's greatest venues for a Porsche car show and that's The Livery in Danville! Thanks to the great location and the great price to enter (only $20) we'd like to invite you to bring your Porsche, participate if possible, but come by and meet fellow Diablo members if nothing else. It's an absolute piece of cake to enter and you can even just drive up and register on-site!

We've got over 30 trophies to award and we've got $$$$$ thousands of dollars worth of goods and services to raffle off. Yes, that's right, we've got sponsors who've provided fabulous goods and services which we're gonna raffle off over several hours. From major discounts on alignment from Roger Kraus Racing to a major discount on a major Porsche service at Kahler's Werkstatt to a super unreal discount on a full auto detailing at EMC Body Shop; those are just a few of the raffle opportunities. And we'll have some brand new Porsches on display courtesy of Porsche of Fremont, plus some modified Porsches courtesy of some local tuners!

You can expect to see over 50 Porsches in the show competition, but you can also join in the fun and compete your car!
- Entry signup starts at 8AM. Parking will be by model type in 10 categories.
- Judging starts at 9:30 AM
- Entertainment by Rock Hendricks, a professional "smooth jazz" saxophonist. Nice mellow background music for a Sunday morning. Checkout his music at:
- Several of our advertisers will be displaying products and services. Wait till you see what they have donated to be raffled!
- Remember the Park and Party (Display) Class for those who just want to hang out, park their Porsche amongst all the other beautiful cars, enjoy visiting and picnicking with friends, and listening to the music in a wonderful location with lots of shops.
- Shopping...yes several stores are offering day of event discounts to us.
- Still need just a few more volunteers to make a successful event. Send us an email at:
It promises to be a fun filled day, so see you Sunday in Danville!Charles Rooks & Eugenie Thomas
Event Co-Chairs

Monday, May 11, 2009

Volunteer and Task Status

May 11th

Here are a list of volunteers and assigned tasks. Still some Open slots needing a volunteer. Let me know of any requests / changes.

Charles Rooks

Job / Responsibility Name

Concours Leaders Eugenie Thomas
Concours Leaders Charles Rooks

Annnouncers Eugenie Thomas
Annnouncers Steve Jones
Annnouncers Open
Judges Phil Edskildsen
Judges Patrick Schmidt
Judges Dr. Scott Pope
Judges Rick Camera
Judges Bob Caya
Judges Open
Judges Open
Judges Open
Judges Open
Judges Open
Judges Open
Judges Open
Judge's Training Eugenie Thomas

Runners / Timers Open
Runners / Timers Open
Runners / Timers Open
Runners / Timers Open
Runners / Timers Open
Runners / Timers Open

Registration & Score results Lillie Echevarria
Registration & Score results Jan Ahlman
Registration & Score results Renne
Registration & Score results Maryanne
Registration & Score results Joan Duran

Parking Warren Gardner
Parking Brian Pihl
Parking Open
Parking Open
Parking Open
Parking Open

Trophy Presenters Open
Trophy Presenters Open

Refreshments Open

Setup Team Frank Duran
Setup Team Sergio Meza
Setup Team Brian Cameron
Setup Team Jim Edmunds
Setup Team Bill Packwood
Setup Team Ron Hait

Takedown Team Jim Edmunds
Takedown Team Dan Spisak
Takedown Team Open
Takedown Team Open

Goody Store Team Kelli Camara
Goody Store Team Rick Camara

Storage Unit Transport Frank Duran
Storage Unit Transport Frank Duran

Photographer Open

Assist Where Needed Nancy Bocanegra
Assist Where Needed Carlos Bocanegra
Assist Where Needed Maureen Torres
Assist Where Needed Dale Miller
Assist Where Needed Kari Miller
Assist Where Needed Robert Rothchild
Assist Where Needed Ernest Bradford
Assist Where Needed Dan Spisak
Assist Where Needed Bob & Julie Henderson

Ladies Only Fun Detailing Class 101

To Diablo Region Ladies-

At last year's Wash and Shine Concours, there was one woman contestant. Thinking on how to get more Diablo Region women involved with our biggest event, I am proposing two dates for on hands-on detailing your Porsches.

Ever wonder how guys can spend a whole day cleaning their Porsche yet won't spend 10 minutes vacuuming the dining room? Want to enter your Porsche in the Wash and Shine but just a little nervous? Well here is my idea for hands on detailing as a team effort so you kick some butt at the event.

- Need at least 5 attendees

- Meet at my Livermore Airport hanger (hanger #165, south side of airport on Jack London Blvd, Gate # SG-1)

- Bring your Porsche already washed

- Quick 15 minutes of training

- As a team, will do one car at a time, both outside and inside

- Probably will take 4 hours to get all cars done- I supply all the clay, polish, wax, micro-fiber towels

- Attendees bring some snacks, water, wine, etc.

- Bring fun and laughter!Dates, I prefer Saturday May 16 1PM but depending on everyones schedule, maybe able to have a Sunday clinic at 1PM

Let me know what dates work for you.

Charles(m) 925-989-0942

What is a Wash and Shine?

I've had a few members ask me for a brief description of a Wash and Shine, and I thought this would be a good place to share one.

A wash and shine is a more informal car show compared to a concours d'elegance - think county fair, not Pebble Beach - with simple rules to encourage participation. You give your car a good cleaning inside and out, then bring it to the show. There are several classes based on the model of car and year it was produced, so a 1973 911S isn't judged alongside a 2002 Boxster.

Each car starts with a maximum number of points, and some are deducted for each area where dirt is found. The judges score the cars based on what they can see - no white glove inspections of the engine bay or crawling under the car. And at the end of the judging the car in each class with the fewest deductions wins - and will receive a great looking first place trophy.

A Wash and Shine is a great opportunity to share your pride and joy with others, and enjoy the cars of your fellow members. It's simple to enter your own car, and you might be surprised how easy it is to score well.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wash and Shine Status

Hi fellow PCA Diablo members. In the next few days, we will be providing a more detailed status of 25th Annual Wash and Shine. In the meantime, several of us have been working in getting the background tasks done, contacting vendors, and looking for volunteers. So far, 20 of you have signed up to be a volunteer! Thanks so much! We still need 15 – 20 more to assist in making this a successful event. Just send me an email and you will be one of our team of volunteers.

Last year there were 30 entrants. Come on guys, with 500+ members in our group we can do better! We have sent invites to the Porsche 356 folks and will be inviting others in Zone 7 to come out and party with us on May 24th!!!!

Charles Rooks

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Members BBQ May 31st

At least twice a year we designate events as Newcomers' event. What this means is that we waive any fees for members who've joined Diablo since the last Newcomer event. The first of these events for 2009 will be a barbecue hosted by Nedra and Tom Marinshaw at their home in Danville.

The purpose of a Newcomer event is to:

  • Encourage new members to come out and meet some established members.
  • Explain what kinds of events and activities Diablo puts on.
  • Learn from new members how we could better meet their needs and interests.

Any member who joined Diablo since the Oktoberfest event held on October 4th, 2008 attends free of charge! For other members there's a $15 fee per person. BBQ lunch and beverages will be provided, as well as a number of excellent prizes.

Last year's barbecue was a real blast, so I hope plenty of members - new and old - will put this one on their calendar!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Welcome to the Diablo PCA Blog

Greetings Diablo members!

We've been working on a new web site for some time that would include articles, blogs, event sign-up, and other features. Since that project is taking longer than expected and we still need to get the word from our volunteers to our members, we've created this blog to both meet our short term needs and try out this new (to us) means of communication.

And if you have an account with Blogger or GMail please feel free to login so you can leave comments -- we'd love to hear from you. We hope this will prove to be a productive experiment while we continue to bring more information and services to our members.

PCA National has been having hardware problems with the main web site and all the region sites they host, including ours. Once that's resolved, you can find Diablo's web site at the usual location:

Steve Jones
President, Diablo PCA